take it easy

Slang definitions & phrases for take it easy

take it easy

verb phrase
  1. To keep one's anger and excitement under check; be calm: Take it easy, Mac, nobody's hurt
  2. To work slowly and smoothly: Hurry and you're dead, take it easy and you survive
  3. To stop working; relax; loaf: I got to take it easy for a few minutes

[1880+; take it easy is most often used as a parting salutation or a bit of advice for living, in each case intending all senses at once]

Idioms and Phrases with take it easy

take it easy

Don't hurry, proceed at a comfortable pace, relax. For example, Take it easy—we don't have to be there till noon, or Bruce decided to take it easy this weekend and put off working on the house. [ Mid-1800s ]